Nirvana: From Dream to Reality – Patrizia Calvi

Sunday 9th February – 6pm UK Time

                   a zoom talk by Patrizia Calvi

Nirvana is our final destination. It is what awaits us at the end of our journey in the worlds of manifestation, or even before, if we reach enlightenment.
According to the great Theosophists who preceded us, Nirvana is impossible to understand with our current capacities; a state of being in which Absolute Existence and unconditional unity are experienced; a state that human language is absolutely powerless to describe.

But George Sydney Arundale, in his “Nirvana: An Occult Experience”, takes us with him, trying to convey to us something of his journey into this state of consciousness. There is something special and deeply inspiring in his words, and therefore we will follow him in this thrilling experience in that Light that pervades everything.

Patrizia Calvi is a member of the International General Council of the Theosophical Society and has been a member of the Italian section for almost 40 years.

She was One of the main organizers of the World Congress in Rome, 2010. Appointed as a Council member of the I.T.C. of Naarden on 2012. Appointed Additional Member of the International General Council in 2017.


Open to All

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February 9 @ 18:00
18:00 — 19:30 (1h 30′)


Patrizia Calvi