The Elemental Kingdom – Elizabeth Crofts

A zoom talk by Elizabeth Crofts

Sunday 23rd March  –  6pm UK Time

H P Blavatsky tells us that there are seven kingdoms of Nature of which the first group comprises three degrees of elementals. She tells us that they are not beings, but are centres of force or energy which move with the velocity of thought, and adds that the Elemental kingdom is without intelligence or moral character or tendencies.

It is, however, capable of being directed in its movements by human thoughts; humans act on the Elementals and give them form and to a certain extent intelligence. It is important that we understand the nature of these forces because, as HPB says, the Elemental world has become a strong factor in the karma of the human race. This talk will examine the Elemental kingdom and its effect on karma.


Open to All

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March 23 @ 18:00
18:00 — 19:30 (1h 30′)


Elizabeth Crofts