Theosophy in the Age of Technology – Chad Manian

Leeds Theosophical Society presents:

A zoom talk by Chad Manian

Sunday 19th January – 2pm
(Doors open 1.30)

Speaker: Chad Manian, Scholar – Visionary

Chad Manian: A global thought leader, Chad is a sought-after academic and strategist who bridges the gap between cutting-edge technology and global policy. As a Chair at prestigious international committees and think tanks, he’s helping to shape the future. He’s also a seasoned entrepreneur and mentor, having founded and led initiatives bringing together cutting-edge thinkers, Nobel laureates and industry leaders. He is a fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy, British Academy of Management and currently teaches on the Global Masters programmes delivered at BSBI.

Open to all – Registration not required

Join the meeting here

Meeting ID: 840 6251 4681
Passcode: 512058

January 19 @ 14:00
14:00 — 15:30 (1h 30′)

Leeds, Online

Chad Manion