Brenda Crowther in conversation with Tim Wyatt

Leeds Theosophical Society presents:

A zoom talk by Tim Wyatt & Brenda Crowther, Jungian Analyst

Sunday 5th January – 2pm
(Doors open 1.30)

Join us for a conversation with Brenda Crowther, a Jungian analyst with a special interest in Carl Jung’s Red Book. This event is a great opportunity to learn more about Jung’s groundbreaking work and its implications for understanding the human psyche.

Open to all – Registration not required

Join the meeting here

Meeting ID: 839 2939 8229
Passcode: 215584

January 5 @ 14:00
14:00 — 15:30 (1h 30′)

Leeds, Online

Brenda Crowther, Tim Wyatt