The Astrological Rising Sign – Gary Kidgell

Sunday 27th April –  6pm UK time

The Astrological Rising Sign and the Purpose of the higher Self

                  a zoom talk by Gary Kidgell


The astrological natal chart provides a means by which we may determine our relationship to the universe and thereby sound our own, existential, resonant note as part of a vast cosmic symphony. The primary function of astrology is to unite the aspirant with the intent of the Soul or higher Self. The purpose of the higher Self is related to the Rising Sign or Ascendant found on the eastern horizon at the time of one’s birth. This presentation outlines the spiritual purpose related to each of the twelve astrological rising signs and the associated challenges and rewards.

Gary Kidgell is a member of the Dundee Lodge having joined the Theosophical Society in 1994. He is the current Organising Secretary of the Scottish Regional Association; an executive committee member of the European Federation of Theosophical Societies; and the Librarian for the Theosophical Society in Scotland Charity. Gary has written two books: The Inner Journey: Pathways to the Higher and Greek Hero Myths: Pathways to Higher Consciousness. Gary is a professional astrologer specialising in esoteric astrology. He has lectured extensively throughout the U.K. and Europe.


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April 27 @ 18:00
18:00 — 19:30 (1h 30′)


Gary Kidgell